Pregnancy and Back Pain

Do Not Ignore the Back Pain

The onset of a low, dull backache may be one of the earliest signs of preterm labor. Severe back pain or back pain that's accompanied by vaginal bleeding or a discharge may indicate an underlying problem that needs prompt attention. If you are concerned about your back pain or if you develop new and unusual symptoms contact your health care provider right away. Low pain secondary to posture and muscular strain should be relieved with rest and with certain changes in posture. If the pain can be reduced this may be an indication of a more serious cause of your back pain.

Low back pain associated with radiating pain into a leg suggests a more complicated cause. This may occur secondary to compression of one or more spinal nerves in the low back and/or secondary to compression of nerves in the pelvis before they enter the leg. In either case the pain is often referred to as sciatica.